Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why we adore taxi in Langkawi

A few days ago we decided to go to the Craft Cultural Complex. Since we don't have our rental any more, we called a taxi. After approximately 30 min. driving we arrived at the Complex and our taxi driver surprised us by asking: shall I wait for you? We hesitated a little since we knew that it might take more than an hour, but he said it was OK! After an hour waiting he welcomed us with a smile and we continued exploring the island for three more hours. He took us to several places, waited each time patiently, always with a kind smile and not a word of complain and we paid RM100 only (which is 200 SEK or 70 PLN).

It was a good day for everyone: Nelly and mom were happy to have daddy sitting next to them, the taxi driver was pleased with his clients and we were satisfied with the price. Good deal for everyone!

And finally a piece of advice - under no circumstances take taxi 468 - the taxi driver is a very hostile man, the only unpleasant person we met in Malaysia during the entire stay. He must be the worst taxi driver since Robert de Niro.


  1. åh vilken söt bild på Beata och Nelly! Jättefin!

  2. Håller med. Den bilden blev en riktig lyckoträff. Egentligen var tanken att vi skulle ta en bild på taxichaffisen i backspegeln bara. Men jag såg att Nelly och Beata såg super fina ut så jag tryckte av en snabb bild på dem med när de var oförberedda och voila!

