We have moved out from Westin where we had our wedding. We're still in Langkawi but now in a
3-room apartment at the Chogm Villa apartment complex. This will be our base until 22nd March. But from here we plan to make several short trips. More on that later, when we know, you know. Life now seems much more like everyday life to me. For example today I had to drop off all the dirty laundry we had, it cost us 5 SEK per kilo (2 zl). Then I had to go grocery shopping. When I got home Beata made us pancakes.
Tonight we're just gonna stay home and chill, we have wine and we borrowed a couple of dozen DVDs from Rob our nice host so I think we're all set. Tomorrow we'll rent a car so that we can start exploring the rest of this beautiful island.
Picture below is our view from the balcony.