Anyway, it's rolling and today for the premier ride it took us to Tanjung Rhu Beach which is breathtaking perfection!!
The water feels great, it's warm but cold enough to cool you off. The only problem is that I'm panically afraid of the sharks who happily lives here. Not that I'm implying that I'm the most delicious bite in the sea, but you never know what kind of diet they are on!
Later on we tried some tasty local food served right by the beach, treated ourselves to coconut juice (which to be honest looks much more exciting than it tastes), followed by noodles with prawns and paid for everything 28 SEK (11 PLN) jippi!!
On our way home we picked up the laundry and robbed (cause it's really dirt cheap) the local fruit market. Now it's time to enjoy the mangos, the watermelons and the what nots on our balcony. What can I tell you, life is good!