Here in Malaysia most things feel upside down compared to safe Sweden. Cars are driving on the "wrong" side of the street, complete strangers are kind, the media coverage of the Winter Olympics is non-existing and the temperature is heavenly 30 degrees plus.
Still, life here is easy to get used to. Daddy doesn't have to go to work in the morning (mommy loves that too!), instead he can join the Lenngren girls and splash around in the pool, every morning and every evening. Speaking of pool, hope you like your present!
We think that it's amazing how fast you embraced our new lifestyle here in Malaysia (the Malaysian people certainly embraced you). You are a pleasure to travel with! On our three days journey to Kuala Lumpur you didn't complain or cry even for a second - always kept your curious look and cute smile, even when mom and dad lost theirs at the Bangkok airport.
At times you are real pain in the ass (you know that, don't you) but you make our world complete and we love you more than life. However, we would not mind if one day in the near future you would choose to sleep all through the night.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!