Friday, April 2, 2010

Once you pop, you can't stop!

When the initial chock that comes from seeing snow on the ground had finally settled, we began to take in more of our surroundings. Sweden should be very familiar to us both but it actually feels like a strange place on earth right now. Hard to put in words but it's just so very disconnected, dislocated (is that a word?) from the rest of the world.

Our apartment also feels odd. First of all it feels very small. And then white, why is everything white? When we opened up the door to our place for the first time since January it felt more like we were on an apartment show (lägenhetsvisning).

Another strong feeling we get is ... what next? We're sure we'll have great time here (we love Stockholm) and it will be fantastic to meet our family and friends again, but there is so much more out there and we want to see it, we want to see it all! So stay tuned, as many more sunny adventures will be coming. We promise!

But speaking of family and friends and everybody else around the world who was curious about our trip. We wanna thank all of you who paid our blog a visit, actually many of them! Your visits inspired and motivated us to keep the documenting going.

Here is some web statistic from the last two months that we pulled from Google Analytics.
  • Number of absolute unique visitors: 303
  • Total number of visits: 1 296 from 21 countries
  • Average time spent on site: 4:20 minutes
  • Total number of page views 4 876


  1. WELCOME HOME!!!! I am happy you are back safe and sound!! Sorry for checking blogg so seldom, but I will make it even afterwards as you are very gifted bloggers!! Exciting and interesting to read!! Waiting to see you soon!! Hugs to little Nelly! Vic

  2. Woh! the numbers say themselves! So many people had chance to make such a wonderful journey with you! You are definitely gifted and you should continue describing all the places you ever visit! Waiting for more Love Agata
